Wednesday, March 14, 2012
iPhone Power Tip
When viewing an email, simply highlight the portion of the email you want included in the reply or forward, and hit "Reply" or "Forward."
That's it!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Man Vs. Information
I’m a news junkie… Well more like an info junkie. Whether it be breaking headlines from the Drudge Report, trends in tech from Engadget, or the latest in single malts from the Whisky Exchange, I am constantly scouring the best of what the web has to offer to satisfy my information hunger pangs.
For that reason, more and more I’ve been turning to the iPhone/iPad app Zite. The highly polished news-magazine-reader app is sleek in its simplicity, and a pleasure to use. In addition to offering the usual channels of news, Zite offers users the ability to create their own custom channels, even connect their interests by connecting via Facebook and Twitter. Zite takes it all and creates a customized magazine for your viewing pleasure. What I’ve been especially enjoying are the articles it pulls from sites I never knew existed. I don’t need another app to give me a prettier view of the rss feed from Gizmodo – I need one that introduces new sites, new horizons, and new info to me. That is where Zite excels in my opinion.
Or maybe I’m just stoked because my Whisky channel in Zite just told me about the site
By Alex PaskieTuesday, January 17, 2012
Every Presentation Ever.
If your website is this predictable, you might consider restructing it to make it exciting and new.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Steve Jobs Biography: Why you need to be reading this book.
When I started reading this book I found it fascinating to recall where I was when Steve had his many product announcements. I'd say the majority of them were at my desk reading the various liveblogs. Steve Jobs reveloutionized the world of mobile computer and being an iPhone owner makes me appreciate the attention to detail that Steve is known for. While I might not agree with the way he ran his business, he had an uncanny ability to create products consumers didn't know they needed yet. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Words We Use: Deadline

In my line of work, I often find myself looking for the right word to use in a situation – be it via email or verbal. The words we use in any situation are powerful, and can influence the manner in which our points are perceived.
- Milestone à Better connotation and a more positive message, but I think it makes tasks seem larger and more daunting than they in fact are.
- Due Date à Pregnant women have due dates. Our projects have nothing on what they have to go through J
- Target à Targets are hard to hit, especially the ones that move.
- Goal à Bingo! Goals are fun. You can score a goal, achieve a goal. It’s easy to say, not hard to find, and when you reach them, you get to celebrate!
Looking forward to a 2012 where all our goals are met!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Revolve Fitness is LIVE!
About Revolve Fitness:
Revolve is one of few specialized indoor cycling studios to open in the greater Washington, DC area.A studio, as opposed to a larger all-encompassing gym, Revolve pays close attention to detail, priding itself on maintaining the highest standards for both instructors and equipment. With approximately 40 Schwinn bikes in studio, Revolve offers ample opportunity for cycle enthusiasts to benefit from its three unique, custom-designed classes. With these options, cyclists can tailor their cycle workouts to different needs, all while keeping up with the intense cardio workout for which indoor cycling is known:
- Real Ride (RR) is a traditional cycling class focusing on cardio and building endurance, designed to provide participants with a competitive edge in a body that can deliver in real life.
- Complete Body Ride (CBR) is a custom-designed hybrid class incorporating cycling and upper body weight training, designed to offer everything needed in one complete class - cardio, strength and flexibility.
- Barre Ride (BR) is a custom-designed hybrid classes incorporating cycling and barre method training, designed to provide both intense cycling cardio and toning barre-based exercises all in one class.
Come in and try us out. We look forward to riding with you!
Monday, November 14, 2011
5 Ways To Get Jailbreak-like Functionality Without Jailbreaking
- Difficulty: Easy
- Time:1-5 Minutes
The easiest way to do this is go to then click the bookmark button and choose to "Add To Home Screen." You will now have a webapp installed to quickly toggle frequently used settings.
If you prefer to have the toggles on the Springboard itself, follow the guide here: