Monday, October 17, 2011

The Ultimate iPad (and iPhone!) How-To Guide Ver. 1.1

I'm often asked about how to do things on the iPad that are simple to do on a regular PC but elusive on the iPad, so I decided to make this guide.  This is version 1, and as new comments and suggestions come in, I'll be adding them.  If you have any additions, please comment on this post.  Also, if you can't find something, always remember to search the App Store.

How Do I:

[ Section I : Documents, PDF's, Books, Etc. ]

Save PDF's (from email, the web etc.) for later viewing?
Many ways to do it including using iBooks, but I find the Goodreader app best suited.  When viewing the PDF click on the "Open In" box in the upper right corner, then select Goodreader. To save from the web, use the Web Downloads feature in Goodreader, select Browse the Web, then click "Download Linked File" when selecting the PDF.

Print to any printer?
Get the Print N Share app, then use Airprint normally.

It's Crunch Time For Apple and the Future of iPhone

The untimely and tragic passing of Steve Jobs has left just about every pundit in the industry and indeed just about every reporter and commentator in the media wondering about how the future of iPhone and Apple will be affected.  While I agree that there is definitely a large looming question created by Steve's passing, some other indicators have me wondering: are we witnessing the beginning of a major shift in the smartphone market from hardware to software?